The Best New Zealand Royal Jelly Supplement

Are you looking for the best New Zealand royal jelly supplement? In this article, we dive into what makes a superior supplement, from essential indicators like 10-HDA content to New Zealand’s stringent quality standards. 

Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge to navigate the array of royal jelly options and choose the one that delivers the most significant health benefits.

Key Takeaways

  • Royal Jelly Composition: Rich in B vitamins, proteins, and minerals, offering diverse health benefits.
  • New Zealand Standards: High-quality production with 10-HDA as a purity and effectiveness marker, ensuring contaminant-free supplements.
  • Capsule Benefits: Convenient, consistent dosing, and improved absorption. 

Exploring the Power of Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is a gelatinous substance produced by honey bees. It is secreted from the glands in the heads of worker bees. Royal jelly is the exclusive food of the queen bee and its larvae, playing a critical role in the nutrition of bee hives. It boasts a rich composition of:

  • Water
  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • B vitamins
  • Trace minerals

What’s more, it contains nutrients with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which support overall health.

From supporting immune health to improving cholesterol levels and aiding in wound healing, royal jelly offers myriad potential health benefits.

How might one tap into the benefits of this potent bee product?

The Nutritional Profile of Royal Jelly

  • Packed with B Vitamins: It has a bunch of B vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, inositol, and biotin. It's especially rich in pantothenic acid and niacin.
  • Full of Important Nutrients: Royal jelly contains essential nutrients - carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It has major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) necessary for its health benefits.
  • Essential Amino Acids: It has many essential amino acids, especially lysine. Plus, a good amount of acetylcholine is vital for your brain to work well.
  • Trace Minerals: You'll find small amounts of essential minerals like potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus in royal jelly.
  • Antioxidant Properties: Thanks to compounds called polyphenolics and flavonoids, royal jelly is great as an antioxidant. This means it helps reduce inflammation and prevents cells from dying too soon.

Royal Jelly and Health

Royal jelly is more than just a nutrient-rich food. It's got some impressive powers when it comes to keeping you healthy. Let's break down how it works:

  1. Boosting Immune Health:
    • Regulating Healthy Immune System: It helps your immune system by affecting things like spleen lymphocyte growth, making macrophages more active, changing gut bacteria, and increasing immunoglobulins and cytokines.
    • Cardiovascular Benefits: Royal jelly can be great for your heart. It might lower the 'bad' LDL cholesterol and relax the cells in your veins and arteries, which can help reduce blood pressure.
  2. Pharmacological Effects:
    • Fighting Inflammation and Stress: Thanks to compounds like 10-HDA, royal jelly reduces inflammation and oxidative stress. This is primarily because of its natural antioxidant protection properties.
  3. Beyond Immunity and Heart Health:
    • Brain Health: It can improve how your brain works and lower stress hormones.
    • Other Benefits: Royal jelly can also ease menopause symptoms, help wounds heal, control blood sugar levels, and slow down signs of ageing.

So, royal jelly isn't just a health supplement; it's like a multi-tool for your body, helping in various ways to keep you feeling good and healthy.

Selecting the Superior Supplement: New Zealand's Finest

New Zealand stands out for a few key reasons when choosing the best royal jelly supplements. Let's dive into what makes New Zealand's royal jelly so unique:

  1. High Production Standards:
    • Focus on Quality and Purity: New Zealand is known for maintaining top-notch standards in producing royal jelly. They pay close attention to keeping their products pure and high quality throughout the production process.
  2. Strict Regulations for Dietary Supplements:
    • Ensuring Safety and Quality: The country has tough rules for dietary supplements. This means that royal jelly products from New Zealand are guaranteed to be free from harmful stuff and meet specific quality standards.
  3. Indicator of Quality - 10-HDA Content:
    • A Marker for Purity and Activity: An essential thing to look for in a high-quality royal jelly supplement is the amount of 10-HDA, a fatty acid. This is a sign of how pure and effective the product is.
  4. Pollutants-Free and Sustainable:
    • Adhering to Environmental Standards: The best royal jelly supplements are made using sustainable methods, free from pollutants. New Zealand's standards ensure this.
  5. Informative Labelling:
    • Making Informed Choices: The labels on New Zealand royal jelly supplements give you a lot of information. They tell you about the purity, strength, and where the product comes from, helping you make a good choice.
  6. Traceability Systems:
    • Ensuring Credibility: New Zealand's tracing of where their royal jelly comes from adds to the trustworthiness of their supplements. You can find out where the product came from and how it got to you.

The Importance of 10-HDA Content

The presence of 10-HDA in royal jelly serves as a critical quality indicator. 10-Hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA) is a principal fatty acid in royal jelly, comprising between 1.4% and 8.0% of its fresh weight.

Measuring the amount of 10-HDA in royal jelly is a widely accepted method for gauging its quality, with higher levels typically denoting a superior product.

Furthermore, 10-HDA contributes to the beneficial health effects of royal jelly, including the potential to lower blood pressure, enhance blood sugar control, and increase insulin sensitivity.

Reading the Label: What to Look For

  • Consumers should look for authenticity indicators, such as isotope analysis mentioned on royal jelly supplement labels, to ensure the genuineness of the product.
  • Isotope analysis verifies the origin of royal jelly's natural sources, nectar and pollen, establishing a connection to its authenticity and properties.
  • Sustainability certifications on platforms like Amazon serve as trust marks that can signal higher trust and quality for royal jelly supplements.

Convenience and Dosage Accuracy

  • Easy and Convenient:
    • Take Them Anywhere: These capsules are super easy to carry so you can take them anywhere. They're perfect for people with busy lives who can't always be at home.
    • No Need for Refrigeration: Unlike fresh royal jelly, the capsules are not kept in the fridge. This makes them much more convenient to store and use.
  • Accurate Dosage:
    • Consistent Doses: Each capsule gives you a precise amount of royal jelly. This is great because it means you're always getting the exact amount you need for the best health benefits.
    • No Guessing the Right Amount: The pre-measured doses in the capsules take away the uncertainty of determining how much you should take. This helps you use it consistently and get better results.
    • Prevents Overconsumption: Standardised capsule dosages also help ensure you don't take too much, providing a safe and consistent amount in every serving.
  • Different Forms and Dosages:
    • Various Forms: Royal jelly can be taken in different forms – its natural gel-like state, as a royal jelly powder, or in capsules.
    • Flexible Dosages: The recommended daily amount can vary, ranging from 300 to 6,000 mg per day, depending on your needs and the form of royal jelly capsules you choose.

Safety First: Understanding Potential Allergies and Reactions

  1. Identifying Allergy Risks:
    • A skin-prick test (SPT) with royal jelly can reveal if someone is allergic, which is especially important for those who haven't tried it before.
    • Allergy sufferers like atopic dermatitis, asthma, or allergic rhinitis should be extra careful.
    • Severe allergic reactions can happen even after taking royal jelly for the first time, so awareness is vital.
  2. Recognising and Responding to Allergic Reactions:
    • Allergy symptoms can range from mild (like rhinitis or eczema) to severe (like anaphylaxis).
    • Symptoms like tongue swelling after eating royal jelly may indicate an allergy.
    • Severe reactions, especially breathing difficulties or swelling, need immediate medical attention.
    • People with severe allergies should use their epinephrine auto-injector right away and seek medical help.
    • After using epinephrine, go to the emergency room for further monitoring.
    • CPR might be needed in extreme cases, and 24-hour medical surveillance is advised after an anaphylactic reaction.
    • For mild reactions, over-the-counter remedies can help with symptoms.

Knowing the risks and how to respond to allergic reactions to royal jelly is crucial for safely enjoying its health benefits.

Making the Purchase: Where to Find Royal Jelly Nutritional Supplement

Now that you know the incredible benefits of royal jelly, you may wonder where to find high-quality supplements. Rest assured, royal jelly supplements are readily available on large e-commerce websites like Amazon.

Trusted Retailers and Online Platforms

Choosing trusted retailers and online platforms is crucial when buying royal jelly supplements. Amazon is a trusted online platform with several brands of royal jelly supplements. It’s a convenient one-stop shop for all your health supplement needs.

The Importance of Authenticity

Authenticity holds paramount importance when buying royal jelly products. Buying authentic royal jelly products is essential to ensure user safety and the supplement's effectiveness.

When purchasing royal jelly supplements online, always look for quality seals indicating that the product meets specific standards of production and purity.

Tips for Smart Shopping

Smart shopping is of vital importance when buying royal jelly supplements. Always look for quality seals indicating that the product meets specific standards of production and purity. Additionally, reading customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and reliability of the royal jelly supplements, aiding in making an informed purchase.


To sum up, royal jelly is a nutrient-rich substance produced by honey bees that offers a variety of health benefits, from supporting immune health to improving cholesterol levels. The high production standards in New Zealand make it the superior source for high-quality royal jelly supplements. 

Whether you consume it in its natural gel-like state, in powder form, or as capsules, royal jelly can be a great addition to your wellness routine. 

Always check for authenticity and quality when purchasing royal jelly products, and consult with a healthcare provider if you have allergies.